Here at SEO Reseller Tips, we always want to see our fellows succeed. But we also need to admit one thing: the heaviest step is always the first one. Sometimes it's due to confusion on what the business is all about. Sometimes it's the fear of failure. In some cases, you would rather do it when you have "free time." Sadly though that time never comes. That's because time is never free. You have to make time for it if you really want to get started in white label SEO.
So now, do you have time? Good! Because you're up for a treat. Everyone has time for free stuff and as an SEO reseller, you're about to put that time to good use. We all know getting started is more difficult when you don't have the tools in your kit -- or when you can't afford them. Guess what? With a little diligence, you can find free tools online that will help you get started in your white label SEO business. Here are three of these tools and exactly what they can do for you.
What you get for free: A little motivation, a lot of sales tutorials, and more white label SEO education.
Free Motivation. So you want to go out there and make some money but you're not sure if you can do it? You think you might not have enough time/cash/experience to get anything started? Clearly you lack motivation. And in all honesty, if you don't have it, you'll never have the drive. Therefore, you will never be out of where you are today. You can never reach Point B if you don't want to leave Point A. You need to have the desire to go from where you are today to where you want to be. And For this to happen, you need to motivate yourself. You need to find what keeps you up at night and use it as motivation. For your free motivational reads, check out success expert Bryan Tracy.
Free Sales Tutorials. The core of being an SEO reseller is not having the technical know-how. Remember, you won't be the one doing the technical stuff. Your backend provider will take care of that. What you need to understand is how you can sell their services to prospects. In essence, you will be a salesman. The only difference is you're serving your own company or business and you can decide how much "commission" you want to make from a deal. It's more suited to call it "markup" because it's not based on a fixed percentage as commissions are. Afraid you're not good at this? Think you're not "born" a salesman? Wait till you read these free sales expert tutorial materials.
Here's what you do now: Read a little, learn a lot, take more action.
Free Educational Resources. Now you're motivated. You're driven to take action. You also know how to sell anything because you've read the sales tutorials. But you're still in doubt if you can do it because you can't seem to grasp exactly how private label SEO reselling works. Fret not as the web is rich with helpful content on this topic. Unfortunately, it's also littered with confusing and misleading information. Some "experts" want to talk about stuff they're only read on Wikipedia. The solution? Read about SEO resellers from actual service providers. Check out free white label SEO online marketing tutorials from Endlessrise. They pioneered the business and are considered authorities when it comes to this field.
So what now?
At SEO Reseller Tips, we can only do so much. While we can scour the net for free resources that help your business, these things won't matter if you don't take action. So this is all we ask: check out those free resources, immerse yourself, and learn as much as you can