Sunday, June 30, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: 3 FREE Resources Every Reseller Needs to Have

Here at SEO Reseller Tips, we always want to see our fellows succeed. But we also need to admit one thing: the heaviest step is always the first one. Sometimes it's due to confusion on what the business is all about. Sometimes it's  the fear of failure. In some cases, you would rather do it when you have "free time." Sadly though that time never comes. That's because time is never free. You have to make time for it if you really want to get started in white label SEO.

So now, do you have time? Good! Because you're up for a treat. Everyone has time for free stuff and as an SEO reseller, you're about to put that time to good use. We all know getting started is more difficult when you don't have the tools in your kit -- or when you can't afford them. Guess what? With a little diligence, you can find free tools online that will help you get started in your white label SEO business. Here are three of these tools and exactly what they can do for you.

What you get for free: A little motivation, a lot of sales tutorials, and more white label SEO education.

Free Motivation. So you want to go out there and make some money but you're not sure if you can do it? You think you might not have enough time/cash/experience to get anything started? Clearly you lack motivation. And in all honesty, if you don't have it, you'll never have the drive. Therefore, you will never be out of where you are today. You can never reach Point B if you don't want to leave Point A. You need to have the desire to go from where you are today to where you want to be. And For this to happen, you need to motivate yourself. You need to find what keeps you up at night and use it as motivation. For your free motivational reads, check out success expert Bryan Tracy.

Free Sales Tutorials. The core of being an SEO reseller is not having the technical know-how. Remember, you won't be the one doing the technical stuff. Your backend provider will take care of that. What you need to understand is how you can sell their services to prospects. In essence, you will be a salesman. The only difference is you're serving your own company or business and you can decide how much "commission" you want to make from a deal. It's more suited to call it "markup" because it's not based on a fixed percentage as commissions are. Afraid you're not good at this? Think you're not "born" a salesman? Wait till you read these free sales expert tutorial materials.

Here's what you do now: Read a little, learn a lot, take more action.

Free Educational Resources. Now you're motivated. You're driven to take action. You also know how to sell anything because you've read the sales tutorials. But you're still in doubt if you can do it because you can't seem to grasp exactly how private label SEO reselling works. Fret not as the web is rich with helpful content on this topic. Unfortunately, it's also littered with confusing and misleading information. Some "experts" want to talk about stuff they're only read on Wikipedia. The solution? Read about SEO resellers from actual service providers. Check out free white label SEO online marketing tutorials from Endlessrise. They pioneered the business and are considered authorities when it comes to this field.

So what now?

At SEO Reseller Tips, we can only do so much. While we can scour the net for free resources that help your business, these things won't matter if you don't take action. So this is all we ask: check out those free resources, immerse yourself, and learn as much as you can

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why do I highly recommend for you to use Endlessrise SEO Outsourcing / White Label SEO Reseller?


As an SEO reseller using Endlessrise for more than two years now, I can definitely recommend their services.


There are a lot of similarities between these guys and other white label SEO providers today. They all offer search engine optimization, social media, and web design. But when you’ve tried out a number of providers, you’ll discover that while they have similar products, your preference at the end of the day will depend on which company takes off most of your burden. You’ll go with which company is able to support you all the way. And for me, I’ve found that Endlessrise is the reason why use White label SEO. That’s why I’ll be sharing my experience with this company.

It boils down to two things: 1) world-class support and 2) commitment to help you get clients.

The Best Support for Neophyte Resellers

With Endlessrise, I experienced how it feels to be supported on different levels. Those folks have a ticketing system and they have email and chat support. Their phone lines are open even after EST office hours. But you know what kind of support they have that other SEO reseller providers lack? It’s “human” support.

When you’re starting to do business in the white label SEO niche, you will be frustrated because you have a lot of questions. Sure Google helps a lot. Sure you’ll find a lot of information online about it. But nothing – and I mean nothing – beats being able to talk to a real person about your concerns. This is what I like the most with that company and the reason I’m doing this Endless Rise SEO review.

I want resellers to know that they have options and they don’t have to stay with providers who suddenly go online when you need their support the most. Marketers are starting in this business shouldn’t be frustrated because they get machine-generated responses for their queries.

"The benefits of this white label SEO reseller provider are endless but support is the area where they simply beat out other providers. Real, human support."

It was the first time I experienced getting human support from several managers. It can happen to you, too. For example, when you call regarding a prospect campaign, you’ll be able to talk with a business development manager or a sales consultant. You can ask help from your campaign manager when the project starts. You even have a dedicated account manager if you need to escalate anything.

The expertise and genuine concern their managers have, especially for a white label SEO reseller who is just starting in the game, those are things I have seen only at Endlessrise. Their world-class support is the best you can get, especially when you’re just starting out in the white label SEO business.

They Help You Attract Leads and Clients

The other thing I like the most about this company is their extra effort to help you get clients.

When I was starting out, Endlessrise provided me with free whitelabel reseller sales collaterals for all their services. This has always been in my mind when I was still wondering what is SEO reseller. I didn’t want to write a brochure of some sort because I wasn’t a technical person to say the least. I didn’t know the ins and outs of SEO at the time. So the documents were a lifesaver. And in true white label fashion, you can edit the documents and brand them with your own logo!

And mind you, the initial copies of the sales collateral weren’t as good as the latest versions. They were very basic but they did the job. The materials were recently updated and they now come in MS word versions, which are even easier to edit than the old PDF copies. They keep on improving them. I use them until today. The sales documents deserve mention in my Endless Rise SEO review.

"Those free materials helped me close my first few clients. They help me until now."

Even though I didn’t know much about SEO, I was able to persuade the client to sign up for my services. It was all due to a very informative SEO sales document.

Apart from the document, I also received advice from my sales consultant on how to go about the pitching to the client. I also got help from an account manager who answered my call once. I’ve even heard of stories from other resellers about the CEO of Endlessrise even coming in and helping that reseller land a major client. Has it happened to me yet? Not yet. The help I get from account managers is always enough. But if account managers have this much concern about resellers, I could just imagine how their CEO feels about helping partners.

They also host webinars on getting new clients. Two weeks ago they hosted a webinar about turning 1 failed lead into 50 new leads and it simply blew me away. That webinar was one of the factors that prompted me to write this review.

Newbie resellers often go after pricing and want to be where they can save money, even if it’s just a few dollars. But here’s what I can say about that mentality: instead, go for a company with real human support and one that will help you get more clients. The benefits of white label SEO reseller providers are similar but Endlessrise stands out when it comes to support and commitment to helping you find more clients, therefore more business, and therefore more profit.

Additional trivia about Endless Rise:


  • Signing up is free
  • They started the online marketing white label business
  • You can look them up at

 I hope this Endless Rise SEO review serves as a major reseller tip for you and helps you decide on which provider you will be choosing.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

SEO Reseller Tip #2: You Should Use YouTube!

What's the world's No. 2 search engine? 

For sure, Google is No. 1. So as SEO resellers, we do everything to ensure our clients rank for a particular set of keywords on Google. Sure there's Yahoo and sure there's Bing, but what we really focus on is Google. That's because it's No. 1, and because it's the biggest search engine out there. It gets and gives the most web traffic. So, it's no surprise: we all agree that search engine efforts should be centered on Google.

But what's the second biggest search engine on the planet? Is it the emerging Bing? Or is it the slipping Yahoo? If you answered any of these two, you're wrong. Sort of. That's because the second biggest search engine in the world is none other than video-sharing site YouTube.

The second largest search engine in the world?

Wait, what? Is YouTube even a search engine?

Yes and No. No, for the obvious reason that it is a video-sharing site more than anything. Analysts consider its search function as part of Google, which owns YouTube.

And yes, because it features user-generated content on almost all topics imaginable. When you want to learn how to make delicious breakfast pancakes, do you go to Google? Maybe. But chances are you search it on YouTube. You want to see exactly how it's done. You want to verify if you have the right ingredients. You want to observe how the expert whips the mix. YOU SEARCH ON YOUTUBE! And frankly, our clients' customers also think that way. That's why they use YouTube to search for information online.

And yes again because YouTube gets more search traffic than other search engines including Bing, Yahoo, and China’s Baidu. More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month! In fact, here are other statistics that will blow your mind:

Its impressive performance even extends to the mobile platform:
  • Mobile devices account for 25% of views
  • YouTube mobile gets one billion views daily
  • Mobile device traffic tripled in 2011
Source: YouTube

What does all this mean to you as an SEO reseller?

The fact is everyone knows YouTube is already part of people's lives. They use it for entertainment, for education, and yes, even for researching before making a purchase decision. Clients want marketing efforts to include YouTube because their customers are on that site.

As an SEO reseller, you can use YouTube services to improve your campaign's performance. This means the clients would need to pay you more but if the results can justify the cost, why not. Also, since mobile traffic on YouTube has and continues to grow, you can offer mobile optimization services to clients as well.

To Sum It All Up...
  1. YouTube is a massive traffic source so include it in your SEO efforts
  2. Resell YouTube services too for extra income
  3. Offer mobile optimization in support of SEO and YouTube efforts

Thursday, June 6, 2013

SEO Reseller Tip #1: Understand the Business Model

As with many ventures, the business model of SEO reselling matters. In fact, if there's a single tip you can take away from the many tips you will find on this blog, it is tip No. 1: understand the business model.

Corporate mumbo jumbo and management buzz words aside, a business model is simply how the business works. It's the idea behind the company. It's the process of how the product creates value for both customer and producer. It doesn't have to be complicated for any business, reselling SEO included.

In a nutshell, this is how the SEO reseller business model works:

The basic SEO Reseller Business Model

As you may have noticed, there are three parties involved: the producer, the reseller, and the client. This business model works not just for SEO but for any product or service. For instance, when yo buy a juice drink at the convenience store, you might notice two company names and address; one is of the "manufacturer" and the other, the "distributor." In essence, he producer is the one creating the product or the service. The reseller is the one distributing or bringing the product to the client or customer.

One thing to note here is there is a line draw across the reseller. This line represents a wall that prevents the producer and the client from dealing directly with each other. Therefore, in the SEO reseller business model, the producer deals with the reseller, not with the client. The client deals with the reseller, not with the producer.

The Reseller Vs. the Retail Business Model

As a reseller, this business model is your safeguard. This is what prevents a producer from stealing your clients. After all, what the client needs is the service provided by the producer, right? However, it would be unfair to count the reseller out of the equation since he found the client AND the producer.

Unfortunately, that scenario happens in the real world. You cannot remove the possibility of the producer stealing the client from you and suddenly switching into a retail model. In this case, the reseller is deemed irrelevant and is take out of the equation. The transaction happens between the provider and the client. See the diagram below.

The basic Retail Business Model takes out the reseller.

To Sum It All Up...

  1. Entrepreneurs or agencies that want to resell SEO should know the reseller business model
  2. They should ensure that the provider practices the reseller model, not the retail model