Thursday, June 13, 2013

SEO Reseller Tip #2: You Should Use YouTube!

What's the world's No. 2 search engine? 

For sure, Google is No. 1. So as SEO resellers, we do everything to ensure our clients rank for a particular set of keywords on Google. Sure there's Yahoo and sure there's Bing, but what we really focus on is Google. That's because it's No. 1, and because it's the biggest search engine out there. It gets and gives the most web traffic. So, it's no surprise: we all agree that search engine efforts should be centered on Google.

But what's the second biggest search engine on the planet? Is it the emerging Bing? Or is it the slipping Yahoo? If you answered any of these two, you're wrong. Sort of. That's because the second biggest search engine in the world is none other than video-sharing site YouTube.

The second largest search engine in the world?

Wait, what? Is YouTube even a search engine?

Yes and No. No, for the obvious reason that it is a video-sharing site more than anything. Analysts consider its search function as part of Google, which owns YouTube.

And yes, because it features user-generated content on almost all topics imaginable. When you want to learn how to make delicious breakfast pancakes, do you go to Google? Maybe. But chances are you search it on YouTube. You want to see exactly how it's done. You want to verify if you have the right ingredients. You want to observe how the expert whips the mix. YOU SEARCH ON YOUTUBE! And frankly, our clients' customers also think that way. That's why they use YouTube to search for information online.

And yes again because YouTube gets more search traffic than other search engines including Bing, Yahoo, and China’s Baidu. More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month! In fact, here are other statistics that will blow your mind:

Its impressive performance even extends to the mobile platform:
  • Mobile devices account for 25% of views
  • YouTube mobile gets one billion views daily
  • Mobile device traffic tripled in 2011
Source: YouTube

What does all this mean to you as an SEO reseller?

The fact is everyone knows YouTube is already part of people's lives. They use it for entertainment, for education, and yes, even for researching before making a purchase decision. Clients want marketing efforts to include YouTube because their customers are on that site.

As an SEO reseller, you can use YouTube services to improve your campaign's performance. This means the clients would need to pay you more but if the results can justify the cost, why not. Also, since mobile traffic on YouTube has and continues to grow, you can offer mobile optimization services to clients as well.

To Sum It All Up...
  1. YouTube is a massive traffic source so include it in your SEO efforts
  2. Resell YouTube services too for extra income
  3. Offer mobile optimization in support of SEO and YouTube efforts

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