Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: Shorten Your Marketing Emails Please

Thanksgiving Day has just gone and many SEO resellers took advantage of the holiday to send out emails to their clients. Some are as simple as a Thanksgiving greeting. Others contained he usual news about the business and the industry. Many probably sent promotions via email, too.

But hopefully your email wasn't "stuffed."

In the words of email software company AWeber, email "stuffing" is "when you try to cram way too much into one long message." Are you a private label SEO reseller guilty of stuffing? Then you should definitely read this post.

Statistics Prefer Shorter Emails

To stay updated with the latest SEO and online marketing reseller trends, you’re probably subscribed to various email lists. Do you appreciate cluttered and convoluted emails? Or succinct ones that lead you to more information through a link? Think about it. You won't be able to consume the appetizer, main course, and dessert at the same time, right? The same goes for email and research backs this up.

Studies conducted by Marketo showed that emails with shorter body copy tend to have higher click-through rates (CTR). The marketing software maker compared concise emails with highly descriptive longer ones and found that the shorter version increased click-to-opens by 7%. In another test, this time with a bigger audience, the shorter email beat the long one by 2%.

“We believe difference exists because not only are short emails less likely to overwhelm readers, but also they're not cluttered by text, so the CTA (call to action) appears prominently,” Marketo said. 

Prepare, Segment, Maximize

According to AWeber, the best way to avoid stuffing emails is to use these three tips: prepare a content plan, segment the audience, and maximize other channels. 

For instance, instead of cramming all your SEO and online marketing promotions into one email, you may opt to send a few shorter emails throughout a longer period of time. These smaller messages will be easier to digest for the recipient. And because you’re sending out a number of emails as opposed to a single message, you have more chances of converting subscribers to buyers.

Another strategy is to send a small email to a segment of the audience that is more likely to be interested in that offer. For example, many white label SEO reseller consultants have verticals as their market. Can you segment your food and beverage establishment clients into family friendly places and couple restaurants?
As for maximizing other channels, AWeber recommends sending only the highlights of your promotion via email. The rest can be announced via other channels like social networking accounts and the company blog. 

Focus on CTR, Increase Conversions

Shorter copy generated a high CTR (image: Marketing Experiments Blog)

In a post for the Marketing Experiments Blog, MECLABS senior research editor Brad Bortone argued that marketers often confuse the purpose of an email message with that of a landing page. “Our research shows that selling your product twice – in an email and then the landing page – disrupts the reader’s thought sequence and could possibly hinder conversion,” he said.

The research was conducted on a highly targeted audience that was very interested in the contents of the emails. In the end, the shorter copy posted a 16.9% higher click-through rate. Bortone said there were two lessons here: “How can I “learn more” when there’s not much left to learn?” and “Don’t make me read when you want me to click.”

“Many marketers lose connection with their audience by overstating value, or simply burying it in a wash of information and unnecessary language,” he said, noting that the email copy should be used as “catalyst for further discussion, rather than as an impromptu landing page.”

Copy Shortened, Now What?

Obviously, the first step to cleaning and shortening your emails is editing the copy. Don’t cram everything into one long copy. After you’ve done that, what else can you do?

A great recommendation from emailmonday is to clean your email template. Maybe it’s time you sat down with the designer to see which elements you can take out. “Don’t stuff your email template… Beyond one point, you are not adding value at all. But just confusing people,” the email specialist said.

Another recommendation is to not send one big image. While it may be tempting, emailmonday discourages this practice as the image may not automatically load on your recipient’s browser. It might also not display automatically in popular portals like Gmail. In some client-based email portals, the image can even appear as an attachment.

Avoid Other Common Email Errors

Aside from shortening your copy, cleaning elements, planning, and focusing on the click-through, you must also avoid typical marketer mistakes to improve your email marketing campaigns. Service provider MailChimp listed down common rookie mistakes when it comes to email marketing

White label SEO resellers can learn a lot from this list. One of the best pieces of advice from the list is to stop thinking of email marketing as a “blast.” Rather, it should be thought of as a “relationship.” “Email is all about getting permission from customers, sending them stuff they want to read, and listening to their feedback,” the post said.

Monday, September 9, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: The 4 Most Used B2B Content Marketing Tactics

Today’s white label SEO resellers must use or offer the following content marketing tactics: social media, on-site articles, newsletters, and blogs. These are the most used tactics by business to business (B2B) marketers when it comes to marketing with content, studies by reputable marketing organizations found.

According to the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Marketing Profs, social media is now the most popular method to distribute content. Social media (with the exclusion of blogging) garnered an adoption rate of 87%. This is four percentage points higher than on-site articles, which was second most popular among B2B marketers. The third and fourth places were a close content between electronic newsletters (78%) and blogs (77%).

Social media tops B2B content marketing tactics (CMI/Marketing Profs)

Also notable in survey results is the increase in the number of tactics being used. The number is up from eight in 2011 to a dozen in 2012. In the previous survey, articles proved to be most popular.

LinkedIn Dominates Social Media Distribution

Digging deeper, the researchers found that LinkedIn was the most popular social channel for B2B marketers. The professional social network posted an adoption rate of 83% in 2012, up from 71% the previous year. 2011’s top performer, Twitter, was No. 2 at 80%, dropping six percentage points. Tying the micro-blogging site at the bridesmaid spot was Facebook, which also has an 80% adoption rate. The biggest social network posted a 70% rate the previous year.

Google properties rounded up the top five. YouTube was fourth with 61% while Google+ was fifth at 39%. In the previous year, the video-sharing site posted a 56% mark. Social layer Google+, meanwhile, leapfrogged from only 13%. SEO resellers who are also offering social media optimization should pay particular attention on this piece of data.

LinkedIn leads social media channels in content distribution (CMI/Marketing Profs)

Needless to say, these five online networks should be part of an SEO reseller’s social media optimization offerings. In a separate social media study by Social Media Examiner, the importance of LinkedIn was even stressed. Forced to choose only one platform, surveyed marketers opted for, as expected, Facebook (49%), and then LinkedIn (16%).

On Site-Articles, Newsletters, Blogs

(CMI/Marketing Profs)

The three other “tactics” chosen by respondents are also important so they must also be part of any reseller’s product line. The approach and intent may differ from platform to platform but in essence, you will need written content to publish any of these three.

Off-site articles used to be the norm but with Google’s algorithm updates Penguin and Panda cracking down on poor and massively submitted off-page articles (with rich backlinks), marketers now are focusing on generating quality content onsite. What white label SEO resellers need to remember here is that their clients need high quality written content to publish articles, newsletters, and blogs.

Based on Social Media Examiner’s findings, 66% of marketers plan to increase blogging activities this year. Some 62% want to learn more about it. At present, nearly 60% of marketers use blogs for their marketing activities.

What SEO Resellers Should Do Now

From these two studies, we know that there are four types of tactics that content marketers use today. The first is distribution via social media. Business owners and their marketing teams will be needing help in implementing social media optimization. As a reseller, you should be able to extend your hand to clients, especially when it comes to five important social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. These are the social networks that require your attention today.

B2B marketers plan to spend more in the next 12 months (CMI/Marketing Profs)

Marketers and business owners are also expected to use of on-site articles, newsletters, and blogs for their marketing efforts. It is important to check with your recommended white label SEO reseller provider if they provide content generation. If they do, you’ll be in a great position to fill and profit from businesses’ need to create and publish onsite articles, newsletters, and blogs. Should you really expand your offerings to content creation and social media optimization instead of focusing purely on search engine optimization?

Will Marketers Spend More?

Good thing the CMI/Marketing Profs study also asked B2B marketers about their planned spending for the next 12 months. Some 45% answered in the affirmative! This already means 45% of your clients right now are likely to spend more for marketing in the coming months. Another 9% said they will “significantly” increase their marketing budget. Of the total, 34% will retain their exiting budgets. Only 2% said they will spend less this year while 10% are unsure.

Based on these studies alone, you now have an idea on where B2B businesses plan to spend their marketing budgets. As they say, luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. There is an opportunity to cash in on, but it will require that you prepare for it by learning more about the top four tactics used by marketers.  You need to start learning more about these services so that you can begin offering them, initially as an add-on to existing clients and then as a standalone product to new clients.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Practical SEO Reseller Tips on Using Marketing Data – Lessons from Teradata Infographic (Inside)

Earlier today, I was thinking of a blog post for SEO Reseller Tips when I stumbled upon an interesting infographic courtesy of analytic data solutions provider Teradata. The infographic was titled, "Untangle Your Data Assets for Sustained Competitive Advantage." A copy of which you can look download from the Teradata website through the link above, or you can also scroll down below to see what I'm talking about.

Source: Teradata

Data is something all SEO resellers should be passionate about; data used for analytics to be precise. That's because information, although appearing boring due to its presentation as mere numbers and figures, says so much about what our customers want. In short, when we have data, we actually have the answer on how we can grow our business. We'll know exactly how our customers want to be sold, how they want to be approached, what type of services they need, and so on. The only problem is, do we have this data?

What is a Zettabyte?

Long and short of it, we at least have ways to access this data if we don't have it today. Chances are we are among the 3 billion people who will create 8 zettabytes of data in this lifetime. (According to Wikipedia, a zettabyte or 1 ZB = 1000000000000000000000bytes = 10007bytes) If that still doesn't make sense to you, look at it this way. Perhaps you've seen one of those external hard drives? Those black bars that can handle 1 terabyte of movies, all the past seasons of How I Met Your Mother and other TV series, and a handful of other media that you would never want other people to see? Imagine having a billion of those hard drives. A billion hard drives. That's a zettabyte.

This just means we actually are creating and storing information in our daily lives. As marketers, white label SEO resellers also store information although it may not be on a central location. For instance, a lot of beginners in this field (yours truly at one point included) actually jot down phone numbers or email addresses of prospects I meet in events and gatherings, where? On a notebook! Worse, on a piece of paper that’s doomed to be misplaced and never to be found. I still do that writing down thing until now and there's nothing essentially evil with that. However, what has changed nowadays is that I enter that information into one central location, AKA my master list of prospects, and do it as soon as I can. It's a simple spreadsheet that contains prospects' names, phone numbers, emails, and business of interest like SEO or PPC.

While this may not be the most advanced way of data collection and analysis, it works for me. It keeps everything organized and in one place. But there's another way I "centralize" data, especially when it comes to prospecting and delivering work reports to clients but I'll talk about that later. For now, let's see why Teradata's infographic is so important for us SEO resellers, marketers, and frankly for any business owner that wants to grow the biz.

Global Trends on Marketing Data

It seems marketers, particularly marketing executives, are looking more and more into data for their campaigns. The Teradata infographic predicts there will be an increase of 60% in spending for marketing analytics in the next three years. It seems it will be a productive three years for providers of marketing analytics software and solutions. But more than that, this prediction means marketers will be relying more on actual data – as opposed to preconceived notions about what works and what doesn't – when it comes to marketing.

Source: Teradata

Another interesting nugget from the infographic is that by 2017, CMOs will outspend CIOs on technology! As I mentioned, it seems executives are realizing the power of data and technology when it comes to marketing. Chief marketing officers now understand the power of data and they are willing to spend on technology to get hold of this power.

Marketer Priorities & the 'Blame Game'

The infographic, which is based on a full-scale marketing study, also listed the top three priorities of marketers today and true enough, all of them have to do with data and technology. They are:

1. Improve Efficiency
2. Cross-Channel Integration
3. Prove Effectiveness with Outcomes and Metrics

Need I say more? What marketing department wouldn't want to prove its worth to its company, right?
Some marketing campaigns are easier to track because they have a fix set of metrics. For example, it is easier for white label PPC resellers to prove the worth of their service because PPC records data like impressions, click-through rate, cost per click, cost per lead, and cost per sale. With SEO resellers, it's a bit more difficult because it is hard to track and organize organic traffic. That is why when selling SEO services, the "value" is often sold, not the actual figures.

Another interesting part of the infographic is the section in the "internal blame game." Unfortunately, this happens even in the smallest of companies. Most of the time, marketing, sales, and IT are disparate departments that do as little communication and coordination as possible with each other. The result? Silos of data that do not provide an accurate picture of the customer and the company's performance. Some interesting stats from this section:

Source: Teradata

Practical Marketing Data Tips, Teradata-Style

The infographic recommends a simple five-step process on how marketers can utilize data to improve their marketing, and eventually increase their revenue. The five steps are:

1. Get smart, get strategic
2. Tear down silos
3. Untangle the data hairball
4. Make metrics your mantra
5. Process is the "new black"

While this step is specifically for the application of "big data," it also works with organizing the marketing efforts of smaller ventures like our reseller businesses. This five-step process actually reminded me so much of the reporting system of my recommended white label SEO provider Endlessrise. Remember earlier I mentioned my other way to "centralize" data when it comes to prospecting and delivering work reports? My provider uses a dashboard system that allows me to contact prospects all in one place. Communication is also saved in one place so every time I need to back track on the conversation thread, I don't need to open various applications. I'm able to send proposals and contact leads in one place.

Plus, when the project is in progress, I can give my clients access to a certain portion of the dashboard and from there, they can check the progress of their campaign. I'd say the dashboard is still a major step in organizing, analyzing, and making use of marketing data. How about you? How do you organize your marketing data?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips - The Definition of the Ideal Modern Marketer

Perhaps the most difficult part of being a white label SEO reseller is balancing parties on two different ends. On one end there's the client, the person who pays you in exchange for services. On the other end, there's the provider, who you pay to give your client the services they need. But here’s how you can make it less complicated. Think about it this way: you're simply dealing with two "customers" with different needs. That’s something a modern marketer can easily do.

But what exactly is a “modern marketer” anyway? Is he simply someone who is able to change his approach based on the kind of customer he is serving, just as how resellers change their approach to bridge providers and clients? Is he someone who prioritizes testing to find out which campaigns actually work? The definition will always change per person, primarily because this is very a subjective topic. But then again, there's a way to quantify what people often qualify. And that's exactly what marketing software company Eloqua did.

Defining the Modern Marketer: From Real to Ideal

Eloqua sponsored a research (conducted by BtoB Research Services) to find out marketers' perception on what a model marketer should be. The survey, which we here at SEO Reseller Tips are lucky to have secured a copy of, asked over 550 professionals who are active in digital marketing.

Among its goals were to define "modern marketing," get a picture of who an ideal modern marketer would be, and where marketers currently stand compared with this ideal marketer. And true enough, knowing your audience and adjusting your approach seem like some of the best qualities needed to become an ideal modern marketer.

Respondents said the "ideal" is composed of 30% targeting. The researchers cited the following as examples of "targeting": knowledge of people involved in the buying process, clearly defining roles and responsibilities, and dynamic profiling to adapt to changing environments. The second biggest chunk was engagement, which accounted for 24%. For instance, delivering the right content at the right medium at the right time is good engagement. Our SEO reseller followers can check the full composition of the ideal marketer below

The ideal Vs. actual modern marketer (Source: Eloqua)

How the Actual Marketer Fares Vs. Ideal

As you may see in the graph above, today's marketers rate themselves as being only 65% of what the ideal benchmark is. For example, they rated themselves only 21% when it comes to targeting, which is what the biggest concern of an ideal marketer should be. They were also short when it came to the second biggest factor, engagement, grading themselves with only 16% out of the possible 24%.

Of the possible 19%, actual marketers are only 12% when it comes to conversion. Researches gave an interesting example of conversion, and frankly one that is often the disconnect in online companies these days: collaboration with sales and delivering high quality leads. When it came to analytics, which accounted for 13% of the ideal marketer's composition, actual marketers were graded only 8%. Marketing technology accounted for 14% of the modern marketer but the actual is short at 9%.

Transformation of Marketers to 'Modern'

What's transforming the "modern" marketer (Source: Eloqua)

The BtoB survey defined a modern marketer as someone who pays attention to the following areas: targeting, engagement, conversion, analytics, and marketing technology. These are the factors that make a marketer "modern." But what exactly led to the transformation of the traditional marketer to a modern one?

The study found that "tracking marketing ROI via technology" is the most transformative factor today's marketers are coping with. It's the biggest change that contributed to the formation of the modern marketer, being rated as No. 1 by 60% of respondents. The surveyed professionals also believe the use of social media in marketing (58%), shift of power from brand to customer (42%), and maturation of demand generation and lead nurturing (42%) are also important changes that "modernize" marketers.

How is Modern Marketing Success Measured?

As the tracking of marketing ROI via technology is a massive concern for today's marketers, it's also not surprising that appeared as a key indicator of marketing success. Researchers asked respondents what measures are most important in gauging marketing success and "marketing ROI" topped results at 35%. This is quite difficult to achieve for businesses that employ various strategies to market their products. On the contrary, those who use purely white label PPC advertising are able to track ROI easily. The ability to influence sales (24%) and conversion rate (16%) also garnered double-digit percentages.

How "modern" marketing should be measured (Source: Eloqua)

Customer retention (9%), customer experience (9%), revenue per customer (7%), and social media metrics (7%) were the other measures for gauging marketing success.

How 'Ideal' Marketers Help Resellers

White label SEO resellers are in essence marketers because they conduct various online efforts geared toward marketing the brand. For example, search engine optimization is of course aimed at landing on the page 1 of Google to that the website can be visible online, and so it can be used to market products. PPC advertising is of course aimed at sending targeted traffic to a sales funnel, and that is essentially marketing. That is why it is important to pay attention to what the modern marketer is up to nowadays.

In a nutshell, the benchmark marketer wants data to see the progress of campaigns and to prove whether his activities are bearing fruit. The use of technology is also crucial. As a reseller, this translates to being able to provide your clients "quantifiable" or "measurable" data on your reports. They also want data that's mined through technology, such as the dashboard technology of white label SEO reseller provider Endlessrise. The dashboard enables your clients to check data about their campaigns just by logging into the system. Remember, it is easier to prove the success of your efforts by providing data to clients and using technology to gather and present that data.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Breaking SEO Reseller Tips: The Best and Worst B2B Email Subject Line Keywords

As an SEO reseller, you are constantly searching for new clients. One of the best ways to do it is to conduct email marketing, which can be as complicated as using software to manage lists of tens of thousands or as simple as writing an honest proposal to a prospect. Regardless of which methods you use right now, there's one crucial piece of the process that matters a lot. It's writing the email subject line.

The email subject line is so important to email or list marketers because much of the success of their campaigns depend on it. Maybe you've heard copywriters say that headlines are the most crucial part of the copy because if people don't read it, they won't read the rest of the copy. Such is the case of the email subject line. And frankly, some SEO resellers struggle to get clients not because they are not good marketers or managers. Sometimes, it's just because they use poor subject lines.

Good thing we stumbled upon a recent study on the most effective and least effective email subject lines. According to British marketing agency Adestra, the keywords "breaking" and "alert" perform well for B2B marketing. (We'll focus on B2B since this is the category resellers likes us fall into.) On the other hand, "reports" and "forecast" performed poorly. 

See the full table below:

B2B Email Subject Line Keywords

(Source: The 2013 Adestra Subject Line Analysis report)

Best, Worst B2B Email Subject Lines

As you can see, the word "breaking" registered a high open rate variance vs. the average at 35.4%, leading all keywords in this category. "Alert" also performed well with 32.9% open rate vs. variance. No other listed keywords fared in the 30's although editor (28.7%), weekly (27.5%), and update (26.8%) fared well with late 20's percentages. Broken down by objective, "breaking" was best performing for B2B content emails. For date, it was "weekly" while for subscriptions, the pound sign ranked highest.

On the other side of the fence, the keyword "forecast" registered the worst open rate variance at -34.0%. Take note the variance is against the average, thus the negative open rate percentage. Report was another word in the negative 30's at -30.6%. This week (-18.5%), newsletter (-11.2%), and top stories (-11.2%) also fared poorly.

What the Subject Lines 'Say'

If anything, B2B email recipients have most probably gotten tired at seeing the word "report," which is pretty much one of the most abused terms in the history of Internet marketing. Saturation point, as they say.

On the brighter side, B2B email recipients seem to appreciate timely matters, at least based on the subject lines they open. The top two performing keywords, alert and breaking, convey some sense of immediacy or urgency and business owners seem to appreciate urgent or timely matters. The other top performing word, editor, conveys a sense of authority. Here at SEO reseller tips, this only means business owners want to receive timely messages from people with authority.

What About Free, Deals, Exclusive?

Breaking: Use Breaking for B2B emails.

Common keywords like free, deals, and exclusive were lumped into the B2C category and for a good reason. These are keywords that are indeed targeted at consumers. If you're curious, the word free registered a -10.3% open rate variance vs. average. Deals was surprisingly good at 7.3% while exclusive was even better at 11.3%. The biggest performers in this category were the words review and iPad, which registered 37.1% and 37.3% rates, respectively. On the worst performers, trial (-45%) and discount (-38.8%) were the leaders.

Perhaps this says a lot on how we should treat customers. The most striking was the word review, underscoring the importance of online reviews. Some studies suggest that majority of surveyed consumers now trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. And the iPad? Well who doesn't want one!

How to Use this Survey to Get Clients

First and foremost, if they signed up to your mailing list, use the words "breaking" and "alert". That's obvious because these words generate great open rates. Also, ensure that if you use these keywords, you actually have an "urgent" message for your prospects.

Second and more importantly, remember the word "reviews." Online reviews matter today and the best way to optimize reviews is to use correct search engine optimization methods. We highly recommend Endlessrise SEO Reseller Programs for you to use. They have basic, advanced, and custom packages so you can choose which ones suit your clients best.

Another reason why we recommend these guys is because they are experts in Online Reputation Management. Remember reviews? You want positive reviews but you also want negative reviews to sink down on search results. Endlessrise are experts at SEO so they can help you push down negative reviews using positive reviews, articles and blog posts, videos, and other relevant types of content.

Finally, if you are not using list marketing but have clients who do, share this report to them. A good SEO reseller isn't just a service provider to business owners; he is also a partner who is after the welfare of his client. You may think it's a very small thing to do, but "sharing timely information from authoritative sources" to your clients is one great way of building rapport and nurturing them for the long haul.

Monday, July 15, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: More Google Plus, Authorship Accounts Appearing on Page 1 Search Results

As SEO resellers, we want our clients to rank as high as possible for their target keywords. We want customers to see our clients and to buy their products. We want clients to see improvement in their site traffic and eventually in sales so that they will continue to use our services. Unfortunately, that isn't exactly easy; especially in highly competitive niches. And then, there was Google Plus.

The Plus Factor

Google Plus is the world's second-largest social network, behind, and quite far from, Facebook. A GlobalWebIndex study found that it now has 359 million monthly active users. From June 2012 to March 2013, its user base grew by 33%. This was a growth rate that enabled it to beat micro-blogging site Twitter as the No. 2 social network.

Snubbed: Google Plus used to be the butt of jokes.

Like other networks, Google Plus is an attractive product for SEO resellers. While it is still not as popular as Facebook, it is gaining momentum and business owners are learning more about it and its benefits. And like other networks too, this platform allows users to create a profile page, customize it with profile and cover photo, and of course, to post updates.

It is powerful as a marketing and networking tool because users outside your main network or circle can see the content you post. Your content can go viral in this social network and you can use that to generate traffic and find new customers.

The Authorship Factor

Google Authorship is associating the content you create online to the profile you have on Google Plus. It is a feature that can help establish your credibility and authority online. It is a must-have if you're a content creator. If you're marketing your business online, chances are you're a content creator.

That's why Google Plus is more than meets the eye. It is more than just a mere Facebook wannabe. It is more than a social network. It allows you to establish authority online through Authorship and then impact organic search results through your public status updates. Google Plus has an amazing feature called Search Plus Your World or SPYW, which enables your posts to be indexed by Google and display them as part of search results!

This means you'll be able to carry out your social media work (engaging with prospects) and the results of that work can spill over to search results.

10% Boost to Organic Search Results

According to a study published recently by SEO technology company Conductor, the use of Google Plus and Authorship can affect search rank placements. The company analyzed searches for the world's top technology writers' names and it seems Google is "surfacing" writers with Google Plus and Authorship accounts. 

Tech writers set up Authorship too. Source: Conductor 
Making personal brand searches like names, the company found that from 33% in January 2012, the percentage of page 1 postings from Google Plus accounts rose to 43% in May 2013. Some 90% of the top 500 tech writers had a Google Plus account and three in every four of those set up an Authorship account.

It seems Google is paying more attention to content creators who are trying to establish their authority in their niche. If you can help your clients establish their credibility online, that would give them better chances of ranking on Page 1 for their keywords.

"Are Google Plus and Google Authorship the silver bullets for helping you and your content to be discovered on Google?" asked Jon Parks, a digital marketing consulting agency owner and contributor at online marketing resource Marketing Pilgrim.

"No, but they are really big pieces of the puzzle. Creating relevant and engaging content is still critical to being found online. But Google Plus and Google Authorship are changing how that content is presented within the search engines, and I believe that's a good move."

Give Clients the Plus-Authorship Boost

As an SEO reseller, it's your job to explain to clients how you optimize their site. This nugget of knowledge about Plus-Authorship will help you explain what these services are and why they need these accounts today.

Google Plus is a social network but it is more than that because it enables content creators to set up their Authorship accounts. Authorship allows marketers to establish authority and credibility online. And if the Conductor study is any indication, Google is putting more weight on content that is linked to a Google Plus profile.

On the other side, ask your private label SEO reseller partner too if they have Google + setup and optimization. Ask about Google Authorship setup and optimization, too. If they say yes, you can start offering the service. If they say no, consider looking for another backend provider who can carry out the service for you. This is an opportunity you should not let pass.

To Sum It All Up
More Google Plus and Authorship results are appearing on Page 1
Help clients rank better by setting up Plus and Authorship accounts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: DIY Vs. Outsourced Copywriting

A lot of white label SEO resellers would outsource anything to providers. Be it a simple header for a Facebook fanpage or a high budget PPC campaign, these projects are often carried out by providers for resellers. However, there are some tasks that other resellers would not outsource to providers no matter what happens. And it's not because they cant find backend providers capable of doing a good job in that department; sometimes it's just because they really want to handle it on their own. What are we pointing at here? Copywriting.

The greatest copywriters have boiled down this discipline's definition as simply "salesmanship in print." While good grammar is certainly a must-have, copywriting puts that in the back burner. What takes the driving seat here is selling... it's effective storytelling that attracts attention and convinces prospects to buy. Sounds familiar? Of course! It's because it's basically the same work private label SEO resellers like you do every single day.

Copywriting and Reselling Side by Side

If you look at the parallels, these two fields indeed have a lot in common. They both are after a common goal of selling. Informing, entertaining, and  engaging are other objectives but those are secondary. What copywriting and reselling really aim to do is to sell. It's to convince prospects to pay you for your services. It's for them to avail of a one-time service. It's for them to subscribe to your monthly services.

That's why you may not realize it... but every time you're talking to a prospects and pitching your ideas, you're essentially selling. When you put your words into print, it becomes salesmanship in print, which is basically what copywriting it.

The 5-Step DIY copywriting for your business.

Copywriting expert John Carlton said so. You can read his posts and you'll find copywriting nuggets here and there. Mr. Carlton is not just a guru; he is the quintessential writer-marketer. He knows this stuff. Other names you can look up are Drayton Bird, Claude Hopkins, and Gary Halbert. They are legends.

Should Your Outsource Your Copywriting?

Here's what a lot of white label SEO resellers do. They outsource the copywriting needs of their clients BUT they take care of the copywriting for their own business. This is merely an observation. Does this strategy work? Will it work for you?

Again, some resellers opt for this strategy because they simply love selling. All they need to do is to put their salesmanship in print.

Here's a tip: Imagine you're pitching your services to a prospect. Record your pitch. Transcribe it. Take out that "ahms" and "ahhs." There you have it: a sales letter to send your prospects.

However, this is something that is hard to achieve when it comes to clients needing copywriting services. Copywriting takes a lot of time and if you decide to do everything on your own, you will run out of time for your core business. Remember, a reseller's focus is always on looking for new clients and nurturing your existing relationships.

Also, be wary of possible dangers when outsourcing copywriting tasks. There are A LOT of good writers on freelance and micro-job sites. However, the problem is they usually cannot distinguish copywriting from typical article or blog writing. This can be problematic for you and for your clients if you asked for a sales letter and ended up with a keyword-rich article. That's why it's always better to outsource copywriting to 1) exclusive copywriters (a bit pricy than usual writers) or 2) to backend service providers that offer and differentiate article writing and copywriting.

If You're a Copywriter, You Can Be a Reseller!

We've discussed that if you're a white label SEO reseller, you can be a copywriter. Just put your salesmanship in print. But what if it's the other way around. Can a copywriter becomes a reseller? No one said no! Of course you can! In fact...

A copywriter is in a perfect position to become a reseller. That's because 1) he has a network of clients 2) he's considered a trusted authority by his clients 3) his clients need the services a reseller offers.

Why a copywriter can be a white label online marketing reseller.

Endlessrise is a good place to start for copywriters who want to become a private label SEO reseller. Go ahead and read their back story. Dive into their blog and learn more about their services. They also have a lot of helpful information that will answer your FAQs about this business.

Think about it... Maybe you're just beginning in this field and you only have three clients. Those clients own websites. Those sites need contact optimization. Every now and then, they will need graphics. And then they will need social media optimization. Or, if they need traffic, they might want PPC. These are services that a white label SEO reseller offers and you can make it your side business to resell these services.

To Sum It All Up
  1. White label SEO resellers are in essence copywriters
  2. Resellers should be careful where to outsource copywriting tasks
  3. Copywriters are in the perfect position to become resellers

Sunday, June 30, 2013

SEO Reseller Tips: 3 FREE Resources Every Reseller Needs to Have

Here at SEO Reseller Tips, we always want to see our fellows succeed. But we also need to admit one thing: the heaviest step is always the first one. Sometimes it's due to confusion on what the business is all about. Sometimes it's  the fear of failure. In some cases, you would rather do it when you have "free time." Sadly though that time never comes. That's because time is never free. You have to make time for it if you really want to get started in white label SEO.

So now, do you have time? Good! Because you're up for a treat. Everyone has time for free stuff and as an SEO reseller, you're about to put that time to good use. We all know getting started is more difficult when you don't have the tools in your kit -- or when you can't afford them. Guess what? With a little diligence, you can find free tools online that will help you get started in your white label SEO business. Here are three of these tools and exactly what they can do for you.

What you get for free: A little motivation, a lot of sales tutorials, and more white label SEO education.

Free Motivation. So you want to go out there and make some money but you're not sure if you can do it? You think you might not have enough time/cash/experience to get anything started? Clearly you lack motivation. And in all honesty, if you don't have it, you'll never have the drive. Therefore, you will never be out of where you are today. You can never reach Point B if you don't want to leave Point A. You need to have the desire to go from where you are today to where you want to be. And For this to happen, you need to motivate yourself. You need to find what keeps you up at night and use it as motivation. For your free motivational reads, check out success expert Bryan Tracy.

Free Sales Tutorials. The core of being an SEO reseller is not having the technical know-how. Remember, you won't be the one doing the technical stuff. Your backend provider will take care of that. What you need to understand is how you can sell their services to prospects. In essence, you will be a salesman. The only difference is you're serving your own company or business and you can decide how much "commission" you want to make from a deal. It's more suited to call it "markup" because it's not based on a fixed percentage as commissions are. Afraid you're not good at this? Think you're not "born" a salesman? Wait till you read these free sales expert tutorial materials.

Here's what you do now: Read a little, learn a lot, take more action.

Free Educational Resources. Now you're motivated. You're driven to take action. You also know how to sell anything because you've read the sales tutorials. But you're still in doubt if you can do it because you can't seem to grasp exactly how private label SEO reselling works. Fret not as the web is rich with helpful content on this topic. Unfortunately, it's also littered with confusing and misleading information. Some "experts" want to talk about stuff they're only read on Wikipedia. The solution? Read about SEO resellers from actual service providers. Check out free white label SEO online marketing tutorials from Endlessrise. They pioneered the business and are considered authorities when it comes to this field.

So what now?

At SEO Reseller Tips, we can only do so much. While we can scour the net for free resources that help your business, these things won't matter if you don't take action. So this is all we ask: check out those free resources, immerse yourself, and learn as much as you can